Trash separation
In the Design Thinking course, Babak Nemat, Iman Baktash, and Ryan Ruvald have explored issues surrounding trash separation in public places. Their project included investigating user behavior and preferences in areas such as the BTH campus area and the local hospital. Their final concept involves new types of trash dispensers and information signs to enable user to improve behavior in sorting their trash.
About the project
Students: Babak Nemat, Iman Baktash, Ryan Ruvald
Program: MSPI
Course: MT2542 Design thinking
Project problem: Trash separation behavior in public spaces
Solution: Trash dispensers and information signs
Summary – Trash Separation
Even though many people are very good at separating their trash and recycling in their homes, it is often a lot more difficult to achieve this in public areas where the opportunities and convenience often is limited. Based on theories of designing for behavioral change, the students have designed prototypes of new attractive trash dispensers as well as information material to assist users in improving the rate of recycling.