MOVE workshop facilitation handbook
|The MOVE framework is designed to help you plan an effective internal workshop to address the innovation capabilities within your group or company.

Make, Observe, Visualize, Engage
The framework is based on four dimensions of team innovation: Make, Observe, Visualize, and Engage.

We talk about dimensions rather than phases because innovation is not a linear process. Use elements of each dimension depending on your specific needs and objectives. Don’t forget to iterate and share your evolving ideas with others in your innovation network, which will help you move your big ideas forward.
MOVE based on Stanford and DARPA experience
The MOVE Workshop that is now available to MSPI and partners is based on a combination of findings from academic research at the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), Stanford University, Lund University (Andreas Larsson) and Blekinge Institute of Technology (Tobias Larsson), merged with the facilitators’ extensive hands-on workshop experience with a range of industry (e.g. aerospace, automotive, telecommunications), nonprofit, and government groups.
Download MOVE here.